Grow With Us


While Zera House would love to see your direct support, our main desire is to see human trafficking eradicated. This means we need everyone educated and proactive in this fight in any way possible. On this page, you will find different opportunities to educate yourself, fight trafficking, and more. Please find where you are directly passionate about ending human trafficking and take action! This could be through Zera House or any of the organizations listed below.

Freedom 424

Freedom 424 is a near and dear partner of Zera House. They educate the general public, provide resources to survivors, are proactive in ending human trafficking globally, and much more! Freedom 424 has provided us with resources and volunteer groups as well. The button below links to their EDUCATE page where they provide ways to help prevent trafficking through internet safety and awareness.

Rescue America

Rescue America is one of the primary partners we continue communicating with. Check out this page with their articles on trafficking, exploitation, and more.

Rescue America also provides a 24/7 Rescue Hotline at 833-499-3733

Exodus Cry


Exodus Cry desires to see justice for human trafficking victims and bring awareness to all forms of sexual exploitation. They have created multiple films and documentaries exposing many forms of sexual exploitation. Check out their films below.

Please keep in mind, that many of their films contain content that viewers may find disturbing. Viewer discretion is strongly advised.


The U.S. Institute Against Human Trafficking is an anti-trafficking organization whose primary goal is to help end trafficking in the U.S. With 5 offices located strategically in trafficking “hot zones” they are fighting the demand for purchased sex. Check out their page full of statistics, educational content, and more below.