Grow With Us

Our Safe Home


Our Home serves as a long-term aftercare facility for 4-5 women that have escaped sex trafficking.

Our program provides wrap-around services from this location including:

  • Professional Medical and Psychological Care

  • Horticulture Therapy

  • Education Services

  • Important Life Skill Development

  • Holistic Living Practices

Our Zera House began as an old, ugly, broken house in the mountains. After lots of love, patience, trial and error, and nearly any construction/contracting problem you can think of, our Zera House is now finished!


This renovation project turned out to be much more than we ever expected. But we have found joy in the work and the wait! God has brought together an amazing team that has been tirelessly working to make this ministry a reality.

In our initial years of research, development, and renovation, God has taught us so much about victim services and how to make this program most effective. God has also equipped us with countless individuals who have dedicated so many hours of their time to renovating this house so it can become a safe, beautiful home where survivors can find rest and recovery. In the process, we have found that helping restore our Zera House, has restored the lives of some of our volunteers as well.

In September 2024, we officially opened our doors to welcome a survivor into our care! All of the prayers, hard work and generous donations from supporters have paved the way to create a safe refuge for the resident who is now at the Zera House.

It has been amazing to see the ways God is working to bring restoration to the resident in our house. We continue pressing on and preparing for a day that may soon come when God leads other women to a safe refuge at Zera House.